First and foremost, welcome to my blog. I'm new to the blogosphere, so I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'll try to learn on the fly as best as I can. One of my pet peeves is when people try to sound educated when talking about a subject they really have no clue about. So, with that being said, I will try not to do that. I know and follow sports, so most blogs will be centered around them. I do try to keep up with current events in the news, but if I don't have what I consider to be thorough knowledge of a situation, you will not find my commentary of said situation on this blog. I chose the title "Through ELM's Eyes" because this blog will be exactly that, the world as I see it. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. Life would be awfully boring if everyone agreed on every single thing. Therefore, I am more than open to healthy debate. My goal is not to change your way of thinking to match mine, but rather to help you understand where I'm coming from, and help me understand where you're coming from. As I said, most blogs will be sports related, so I feel I should give a bit of background into my "sporting life," if you will. I've loved sports for as long as I can remember. Sports have always been my passion. My parents tell me that even as a toddler, before I even knew what a TV was, I would watch just as long as there were sports on, and when they would change the channel to something else, I would quickly lose interest and go elsewhere. My first love was baseball. It is still my favorite sport to this day. Later I would gain interest in everything else, but baseball was number one in my heart from the beginning. I grew up watching the Atlanta Braves during the 90s and into the 2000s. Smoltz, Glavine, Maddox, Pendleton, Jones, and Justice were household names around my place. My allegiance hasn't wavered, and I follow them now more closely than ever. In the NFL, the New Orleans Saints are my team. I have many relatives from Louisiana, so they got me on board in the early to mid 2000s. As far as the NBA goes, I swing back to Atlanta and cheer for the Hawks. Out of my three favorite professional teams, I follow them the most loosely. My allegiance to the Hawks is actually little more than a product of my surroundings, considering they are the closest NBA franchise, but I try to stay up with them as much as possible. My favorite college is Auburn. Any team that Auburn University puts on a field, court, track, or course, I am 100% supportive of. There you have my favorites, so I'm sure anything positive that I write about these will be looked over because "I'm biased." True, but I will try to put bias aside as much as possible when writing here. I guess that's about it for the overview. If you have questions, I assume there is a "reply" or "comment" option (like I said, I'm new at this and absolutely clueless) so feel free to shoot me a question there or by way of Twitter where you can find me @emacattack2. Hope everyone enjoys.
Until next time,
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